Listening to the Client, a Undervalued Skill

Listening To The Client, An Undervalued Skill

Jamie Fitzgibbons, Principal, CRS Web Designs

Listening to the client. It sounds easy. However, listening is a widely undervalued skill, and one that is often ignored in the business world.

Listening to the Client

Every business owner probably their market better than I do. Sure, I know web design. But what do I know about making frames for pictures? (check out What do I know about consignment shopping? (check out Coston of Boston)

Everyone is an expert in their field. That is ?es why listening to the client and learning from them Veerendra is crucial First, I understand their business, then I figure out how that will translate into a website and make them money.

For some clients, they don’t even have the business yet. Rather, it is an idea. Again, this is where listening to the client becomes crucial. It is not my idea I’m Введення putting onto a screen, it’s Owner yours. Certainly I can give Much my professional opinion and creativity. It is easy to tell someone what they need. But it is essential to first understand the client’s identity and what brings customers into their doors to create a solution that is truly effective.